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   Ask AI ToolBot! - Your Pipeline Integrity Assistant
Hi, I’m AI ToolBot

I'm your AI-powered Integrity Assistant in the Pipeline HUB. I will help you interpret your results in relation to industry standards and get quick answers on everything related to pipeline engineering!
Some examples to ask...
Search standards and regulations
"What is the difference between Location Class 1, Division 1 and Location Class 1, Division 2 in ASME B31.8"
Review our formulas
"Can you explain the Weymouth Equation?"
Find relevant information
"What are the typical characteristics of HDD (Horizontal Directional Drilling) rigs?"
AI ToolBot
Disclaimer: While AI ToolBot strives for accuracy, mistakes can happen. Please review important details.
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Password Requirements:

A lowercase letter

A capital (uppercase) letter

A number

Minimum 16 characters

A special character

Please enter the same password again to confirm.
Note: New password shouldn't be similar to last 5 passwords.
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geArcGIS Server Config
Idle Session Timeout (minutes)
Update License Key
A new version "{{vm.LatestVersion}}" of app is available Please download it.
Do you want migrate data from PLTB Desktop to HUB?

Welcome to the Technical Toolboxes Pipeline HUB

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What’s new with our menu?

We’ve updated our menu layout and shifted some things around in an effort to declutter. Our
Pipeline Toolbox (PLTB) Liquid and Gas calculations have now been consolidated into one menu.
All PLTB calculations are now on the PLTB menu for simplicity. Advanced applications designed
for specific engineering problems can be found in the engineering use case sections of the
header (i.e. HDD PowerTool in Crossings).

PRCI calculations have moved

We have moved away from PRCI header selection and have rearranged PRCI apps based on the
engineering problems they solve. The PRCI tag next to the product label makes it easy to identify
and locate.

All platform tools in one place

All Pipeline HUB platform tools for reporting, data, and GIS are now conveniently located in one
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Introducing our new Support Center

We updated our Support menu, conveniently located in the right-hand corner, with a clear array
of assistance options.

Our Product Learning Library has moved!

You can now access our available product tutorials and resources in our new and improved
Knowledge Center.
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New update to our HDD PowerTool

We’ve made some changes to how users create an elevation profile. We are combining Google
functionalities with ArcGIS mapping features to enhance the user workflow.

Enter Pipe Entry and Pipe Exit Coordinates

Users no longer have to import shape file from Google Earth. We are introducing a "User Entry"
option instead to allow users to manually input the Lat/Longs for pipe entry and pipe exit. Just
copy and paste your coordinates, and we'll generate the elevation profile.     
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